Hello everyone! I apologize for the lack of activity on this blog for the past couple months or so, I've been rather busy with other things comic related and not that sort of lodged this blog into the back of my head for a bit. However today I return with some rather important updates about the comic and website that I'd like to share with all of you.

The two most important thing I'd like to share is something I've already kind of shared in the comic's Discord server. The first is that Issue One will be subdivided into two halves, Issue 1a and Issue 1b. The reason as to why is because although both will follow the same central conflict (a disease outbreak on Parelis), issue 1a is very much focused on the side plots and worldbuilding. I want issue 1b to focus more on the meat and potatoes of the story. It's been almost a year and our main characters haven't even stepped foot on the primary location yet. This will not be reflected on the website; Issue 1b will simply pick up where Issue 1a left of. 

The reason as to why issue one will be split into two pages brings me to the second order of business, the comic (or at least the first issue) will be going on hiatus in the next couple of months or so. I've been making a least two pages every week for the greater part of a year at this point and I feel I need to give myself a little bit of a breather. As I'm typing this, the most recent page finished is page 102; I have four more pages planned that I will use to close up most of the ongoing plot threads in Issue 1a; and then give myself a little bit of a break. This will NOT affect issue two, which already follows its own "do it when I want to" schedule.

Although there may be a drought of new pages for a few months starting soon, I do have things that will hopefully make up for the dry period. I plan to give the website a bit of a facelift. The website's more or less stayed the same since I started the comic almost a year ago, I definitely think it I could make it more engaging and make it easier for people to interact with other parts of the site besides the comic. These updates will probably be the most significant since I started the comic, and may take multiple days to trickle out. Some of the more significant plans are giving the front page a significant overhaul, headlined with introductions by Astro Cat and Moonmouse themselves, alongside remodeling the activities page and updating some of what's on them (not all of the activities might be accessible right away but if one isn't listed on the page it will come back) I also want to add more games and activities to that page to make up for some of the things that might not be readily available following the update. My goal is to have most of the updates done by October 8th (which will coincide with an update) but this may be subject to change depending on how much I get done. So if you see things change around the site in the next few days, this is why.

I'd like thank all of our fans and readers for their time and understanding.


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